Tuesday 7 October 2008

2. The use of technology and techniques and styles (100 Words)

the film koyaanisqasi uses extensive time lapse photography the same as Gisele Kerosene. Time lapse is the speeding up of a image, koyaanisqasi also uses slow motion photography, which slows down an image. This makes the difference between the different types of physical motion, e.g. in the first part of koyaanisqasi there is the image of clouds moving across the sky(sped up) you also see the image of the ocean waves moving (slowed down) and this shows you the similar movements between the natural forces. This type of technique is also uesed in Gisele Kerosene.
Time lapse photography is used throughout the whole film, the film also uses stop motion which makes an an object appear to move on its own, like in the film it is the broomsticks. the person on the broomsticks jump into the air and they take a photograph then move a bit and jump again and take another photograph. This creates the illsion of movement, when all the frames are put together and played as a continuous sequence. This film is very edited, The soundtrack for Gisele Kerosene is very much like a cartoon not liike koyaanisqasi which is very futuristic.
Koyaanisqasi and Gisele Kerosene were made around the same sort of time, Koyaanisqasi was amde in 1982 and Gisele Kerosene was made in 1989, there is only seven years difference, but in that seven year technology has changed in many different ways, and you can see that in these films.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Good start Kelly. Try not to get caught discussing one film at a time. Make you points revolve around the subject i.e Pace and use the examples to explain this. Then move onto another subject i.e soundtrack. Your writing is clear and you express what you want to say well you just need to group your arguments more.