Saturday 11 October 2008

3. Narrative and non-narrative structures (100 Words)

Koyaanisqasi has a simple narrative structure, so there is a beginning, middle and a end. At the beginning you see a war and destruction, in the middle you see the rubble from where the buildings have fallen down, and at the end you see them moving on and getting over what has happened because that is what man kind does. You see them making cloths in the factories, people getting on the trains. But then the shuttle image comes and the balance gets thrown back.
Gisele Kerosene also has a simple narrative structure. There is a beginning, middle and a end. At the beginning the witches are worshiping a bird like statue and another witch comes along and steals it, in the middle they are chasing the other witch to get the statue back, and at the end the witches get the statue back. But the video ’The weather project’ is a non narrative, it is quite complex, it is just a bunch of people standing and laying on the floor, and the camra just slowly pans up to a image of the sun. If you changed the order of koyaanisqasi narrative structure the film would have a different meanng and it wouldnt have the same effect, but if you gave 1001 nights a different narrative structure it wouldnt change, the meaning will still be the same as the narrative structure is quite complex already.

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