Tuesday 14 October 2008

5 how these works might inspire your own work.

I have seen a few videos while I have been doing media but the one that has really inspired me is doll face. It’s the creativity that has gone into the video has inspired to do my video like that, I cant do the robotic side of it but the meaning of the video I could use. The fact that everyone tries to be something there not and it will never happen no matter how much they wont it to. I think that the video makes a good point and it is true, every wants to be someone and they will do anything possible to achieve it, and I wont to create a video that explains that in more detail.
my video will be about the affects of bullying, i wont to use time laps photography in a bit of the video and a bit of slow motion aswell. i think that it will make the video more affective to he audience.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Tell me about aspects of the films you might use. Slow motion etc