Tuesday 6 January 2009

Task 4. Installation prodution, feedback and evaluation.

I produced a experimental video about bulling. It shows the effects of what bulling does to people and how it effects them physicaly and emotionaly. When i first started to think about what i would do for my video, it made my head hurt, only because i had so many ideas and i couldnt pick with one to do. After i narowed it down i was left to bulling and a idea like doll face, but i desided to do bulling. i am so glade that i did because it opens your eyes more.
When my video was complete i put it onto a dvd and got my family to watch it, and the feedback i got back was great, they new what my video was about and they all said the same plot "bulling" which made me happy because i finaly got a important message across to people and they understood. I was so pleased with my video it was amizing for me to have accomplished something that need to be noticed.
when i do my next video i dont think that i will change much, as i think that it was perfect.

My video has lots of strengths and weaknesses but dont all videos, my weaknesses was the animatics, as i am not a stronge drawer so it didnt same to work for me. also i kept comeing up with different ideas that i liked but they just didnt go. so in the end i just stuck with the normal idea i had, and i am glade.
A strength would be filming, as i think it went quite well because i didnt have any problems, i found it quite easy to film as there was no real problem angles it was all simple. i found the zoom good to use ir came in quite handy.

The only thing that i wished i had done was to do more than one take.
Another strength is the editing, i found it easy to use and fun to do. The apple mac softwear is so advanced and easy to use, it has meny different editing skills e.g. you can use slow motion or time laps which is good and you can change the colour of the screen to pink, orange ect also it can go black and white, it is alot for fun to use.

The editing made my video better than i thought it would be.
The exhibition didnt go as i planed but it was still good and i got quite a few people to watch it so that was good.

Overall i think that my video went very well and i didnt have that meny weaknesses in my opinion.

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