Tuesday 13 January 2009

Production and post production Diary

I found this project fun and intresting. The first idea i had for my video was to make it like the video 'Doll Face' and that gave me the idea of bulling.
I made a outline of the story but i have changed alot since then. i wasn't ment to be in my own video, but i ended up being one of the bullys.
I didnt really change the animatics much they were sort of the same but just more detail of coures.
The filming went quite well, it only took me a few hours to film all of the first half of the video, and on the next day i finished the rest of the filming in college and that only took about 30 minutes. My filming was quite good and steady, i only used the tripod for the bits in the bedroom the rest was done by hand. I found it difficult to get the lighting right at first, but i soon worked it all out in the end.
When i started the editing i found it quite easy, alot of my clips were muddled up but i still seamed to figer it out, once i got all the slips cut and mixed around then put into order, then i started to add the effects. I found adding the effects quite good, it was intresting to see how effective effects are to the video. After i had done all the effects i started on the colour, the bits that was in the past i put into black and white and i slowed them down to make it more effective.
When all of that was done i copied it onto DVD and got started on the exhibition.

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