Friday 14 November 2008

Task 1.4 The Exhibition space

I will be discussing two artist, that I look at the Tate Modern.

Susan Hiller.
Jonas Mekas.

Susan Hiller

Susan Hiller’s work was located on level five of the Tate Modern. Her recent video “PSI Girls” consists of fiver floor to ceiling projection screens, that explore the relationship between magic and art using small clips from original movies.
The video consists of five young girls that have extraordinary powers called telekinesis, which is the ability to move objects with the mind.
Susan’s work is in a dark room quite large and the video clips are all in different colours. The soundtrack of the video is hand clapping and drumming, it seems to drive the rhythm of the brain whilst the coloured images absorb and surround the viewers.

Jonas Mekas

Jonas Mekas video is located on the fifth floor of the Tate Modern. Jonas video is a personal record of the avant-garde in the late 1960s. Jonas Mekas has been known as the spiritual father of American experimental videos. His work is displayed in a medium sized room in the dark. The video also contains bits of Wendy’s wedding, which had a lot of flashing lights and fast moving objects.
Susan’s and Jonas works of art are quite different, Susan’s is clips from films and Jonas video is him filming things happening around him. There is a similarity between them, Jonas video is based on true meaning and so is Susan’s.
They also use different lighting as Susan’s is edited and Jonas is not.

I preferred Susan Hillers video to all the rest, as I think telekinesis is a very special gift to have and I like the way that she has shown it as art.

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