Tuesday 30 September 2008

My views on Jan Kounen

the film start with what looks like three witchs in a city worshiping some bird like statue when another witch looking thing comes along and steals the statue and then from there the three witchs chase the other witch. it is quite a strange film, like the witchs are flying around on broomsticks that make moter bike nosies. i didnt understand the point of the film but it was funny to watch.

My views on Tellinglies

Telling Lies is about people lieing to each other about somthing that had happened, but they dont find the truth. as you can see from the picture it was just word on a black screen and voices, but the words and the voices told different storys, the voices told the lie and the words told the truth and there was some humer in the film

My views on Koyaanisquatsi

it is strange to discuss this film in words as the film is communicating its message with images and sounds, there is no spoken dialogue in this film at all. the sounds in the film are unusual, there is a mix of both slowed down and speeded up music which covers the natural and artificial world. the film starts with a war and in the middle it shows you the effects the war had on the city, near the end it show you factory makeing cloths trying to rebuild what was lost, but st the end of the film the is footage of a shuttal taking off to go into space but it fails and explodes and you watch the bits fall from the sky.
i think that it is a educational film.

my views on 1001 night

1001 night was created by jananne ali.

i thought that it was a bit strange it about five woman in a row all you can see is there head with a black background, they have there eyes closed intill they start to talk, they seam to be talking about a dream about the war that they had and they explain it in detail. The audio used in this film is diegetic because all you can here is them talking. i think that if there was more soung effects added to the film it would make it more dramatic and appealing to the audience.

picked this one because it shows you how old brighton is and its history, this is a picture of whats left of the old pear. as you can see it has been negleted since to new one was built.

I picked this picture because i think that it brightons up the pavment and it is very pretty.

experimental video means

Experimental video has meny different names, video art, electronic art, community video and meny more but the most important part of the title is the 'experimental' part of it.meny people use experimental videos to express there feeling and veiws on art with moving images.i made a small 2 min video last year called PLAY and it was a horror, i experimented with it in lots of different ways changing the sounds, ajusting the backgrounds and putting in abnormal vocies, after doing that my film was complete and it was good.as part of a assignment i would expect mine to up to the standard